First Time Visitors

Getting Started Climbing

Getting started is easy! All you have to do is stop by the gym, fill out a participant waiver, and complete a free safety orientation. After that, you can climb! Day passes are only $20.

Feel free to jump ahead in the process by completing your waiver online before you arrive. 

If you’ve never climbed before and are interested in learning, you can try our intro to climbing package. It comes with a free intro class and month of climbing at our gym!

And in case you have some lingering curiosities, below you’ll find everything you need to know before your first climb.

A Message For First-Time Visitors

We want to dispel the idea that you need a ton of expensive gear, extreme technical knowledge, and super human strength to be welcomed into the sport of climbing. 

At Cultivate Climbing, community comes first. We believe we are better together– our gym thrives when our membership feels connected and included.

A significant part of our community is first-time visitors. We love when we get the opportunity to welcome first-timers. We’ll strive to inspire you to new heights, regardless of whether that’s an hour-long climbing session or a newfound passion for the sport.

Thank you for considering our Gym. Let’s get started!

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Interested in Trying Climbing? Take Our Free Intro Course!

Everything You Need To Know

SafetySafety Is Always a Big Priority

We have to be honest with you– climbing can be dangerous. Think of it this way– riding a bike can be dangerous also, but you assume the risk, wear your helmet and ride anyway because it’s super fun and can be done safely. Luckily, we have good news. At Cultivate Climbing, we take safety seriously. We do our absolute best to follow the industry’s best practices regarding climbing indoors safely. And kudos to you– getting started climbing indoors is the perfect way to learn the sport under controlled conditions and with the supervision of our staff.

Equipment & CLothingYou Don’t Need To Bring Gear For Your First Climb

The lack of equipment should never be a barrier to entry for rock climbing. We recommend wearing comfy clothes! Casual athletic wear is typically the most common, but you do you. We are not your mom and won’t tell you how to dress. But just so you know, typical gym climbing gear includes:

  • Climbing shoes
  • Harness
  • Chalk Bag

That’s it! If you are don’t own any of the typical gear, that’s okay. That’s why we stock the gym with high-quality rental equipment and gear for purchase.  

ExperienceYou Don't Have To Know How To Climb

This isn’t one of those “you need experience to get experience” situations. No previous experience is necessary to get started climbing. Rock climbing gyms like ours exist in the first place to help you learn to rock climb. If you do know how to climb but are new to our gym, we hope our gym’s route setting and community will challenge the possibilities for your climbing.

If you’ve never climbed before, take our free Intro To Climbing course to see if you like it!

Going SoloYou Don’t Need A Buddy To Get Going

We agree– climbing with friends is fun. But it’s not mandatory. One of the best ways to learn how to rock climb is through bouldering.

Bouldering is a style of climbing that doesn’t require a belayer, so you can get started all by yourself. Besides, bouldering is a social and supportive style of climbing. So, chances are you’ll make a friend or two anyway.

Auto-belays are another fantastic option for the solo climber. An auto-belay is a machine that allows you to climb roped walls without a human belayer. As you go up, the tether secured to your harness retracts (think of a tape-measure) to keep you safe. Then, when it’s time to go down, the machine lowers you smoothly and slowly.

Lastly, we host a series of community-nights focused on connecting climbers with new partners. These events are the ideal way to meet like-minded folks.

Fitness & AgeClimbing is for all ages and fitness levels

We love climbing because you climb to get fit – you don’t have to get fit to climb.

We believe the idea that you need to have immense upper body strength or Olympic athleticism to start climbing is a myth.

On the contrary– climbing movement is intuitive in all humans. Don’t believe us? Come try it for yourself.

Kids as young as 3 years old can climb with us. Supervision is required by anyone under the age of 15 (and not provided by staff). Attentive supervision is required for young children. For more information on policies and restrictions for minors, check out our Rates + Policies page.

Try the gym at no cost

intro offerSee the gym and learn to climb For Free

Everyone is a beginner at some point in their climbing career. We are psyched you chose to start with us! Because believe education matters, we offer a free Intro to Climbing class.

Our Intro to Climbing Class welcomes beginner climbers regardless of their experience level, body type, or physical ability. The Intro Class is designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started. It will be the foundation on which all your future climbing will be built.

We think it’s the ideal experience to try climbing with the guidance of one of our many expert climbing instructors. Did we mention it’s free for non-members interested in joining the gym? Better yet, when you sign up for a monthly membership after the class because you loved it that much, we’ll ensure your first month is on the house.

If you’re still not convinced, drop by for a tour– we would love to show you around!